
Wednesday 17 August 2011

Pandemonium 2

In my opinion, this instalment certainly lacks the charm of the first. The character personalities, particularly that of Nikki, have changed beyond recognition and they may as well have been new characters altogether. The aesthetics are far too psychedelic for my liking.

The general plot is that a "Comet of Infinite Possibilities" is going to pass over, and the evil Goon Queen Zorrscha wants its power for herself.

The level select screen follows that of the first game, being a 3D representation of the areas. This time, you go through multiple gateways into different zones when the paths end.

The fixed-path style of gameplay is still very much the same, although levels have become more complicated than I thought necessary. They are now full of high climbing while dodging boulders, leaping from electrified platforms, avoiding orbs at every turn and landing inches from spikes.

The health system is slightly better than previous as you have more points, however they are still easily lost, and once again, the passwords NEVERDIE, IMMORTAL and GETACCES are beneficial.

The soundtrack is good, but the general noise of the levels can detract from it heavily.

The final boss fight is odd to say the least, and the ending even less sense-making.
I don't dislike the game entirely, and it is a fun challenge, but if you give it a go, you might end up with a headache.

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