
Sunday 13 March 2011


I'm sure there are few who have yet to hear of the 8.9 (upgraded to 9.0) magnitude earthquake, resulting tsunami and nuclear scares that struck Japan and other countries in the Pacific Rim just two days ago. With many astounding games having originated from this great nation, I have deemed this an appropriate topic to post about here.

Nippon-koku has always been close to my heart. I have second and third cousins there, friends, an ex-partner and classmates from the language course I attended at college. I do not have social networking connections with all of them but I know that one old classmate is safe. I am also concerned about my former teacher and her family.

width=400 height=300 frameborder=0
style="border: dashed 2px #77c">
[Japan Person Finder should appear above]

あなたのガスが動作していない場合../ If you are living in Tokyo and are having problems with your gas supply, click here:

There have been cruel joke announcements of deaths of franchise creators, because apparently people have nothing better to do than revel in the grief of others. You should only take to heart information from a credible, authoritative source. The death of anyone, famous or otherwise, is a terrible thing.

Since the 11th my thoughts have scarcely concerned anything other than Japan and its inhabitants, including the Ainu. Because of the country's positioning in regard to multiple tectonic plates, this will sadly not be the last disaster, but hopefully coping strategies will improve with time.

This certainly did not happen because it was the karmic reward for Pearl Harbour or the slaughtering of sea creatures only a select few know about, especially considering that those in such professions are seen as the "tainted" Burakumin and are discriminated against in society. When something happens to this country, I hope people won't refuse to help me because of what the army or industrial workers do. This event was a sad fact of nature. There are always going to be asshats with asshat views, none more so than on the internet. Life is a very precious thing, and sometimes it can take a disaster to remind us of this and its fragility. Although it doesn't work for everybody.

Something good to come out of this was my discovery of Shelterbox, and becoming a Response Team member is something to aim for when I'm in better health. I set up a fundraising page intended for crisis supplies and met my overdraft limit to get it started, which might not have been wise but I was compelled nonetheless.

Japan is a beautiful country that, along with its people, has always had a place in my heart, and I would gladly endure the Gaikokujin Tourokushou to spend time there.

Videogame-related ramblings shall resume shortly.

ハーリー スカーレット

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