
Sunday 20 February 2011

Smithsonian Exhibit

The games of the 1940s weren't much to look at, but nowadays they are indeed an art form. You'll have a hard time getting others to agree though. I remember the days of A Level Graphic Design, even my teacher thought it was pointless to look at the composition of videogames and their cases, posters and other related media. Films were OK though.

Now the Smithsonian American Art Museum is going to hold an exhibit highlighting the development of game visuals over the last forty years. Not only that, but they want you the public to vote for which titles will be included!

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee is an option for the PlayStation, as is Shenmue for the Dreamcast, Deus Ex and Doom II for DOS/ Windows. And that's just Era 4. There are a lot of gems competing with each other on there!

You can only vote for one game in each genre on each platform in each era, and have a total of eighty permitted votes. All you need to do is sign up with an email address.

The exhibit will run from March 11th until September 30th 2012. You have until April 27th of this year to vote. If the event will be within reasonable travelling distance for you, why not consider going there next year?

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