
Saturday 12 October 2013

Cities XL

If you like SimCity, you'll probably like Cities XL, if you're prepared for things to be a bit trickier.

The first notable thing about Cities XL is that you get a whole globe of sites to pick from rather than a little square of a world. Different sites have different potential for tourism and the use of resources. An interesting feature is the option of which kinds of roads you would like your city to have. I of course usually choose English roads, on account of living in England. Regardless, though, the signs are always very American and often facing the wrong way for the drivers on that side.

Thursday 29 August 2013

I've been absent for a while..

But this game exists, so I may have to get back into the swing of reviewing things.

I have a draft review of Cities XL waiting to go, I just haven't had the energy to work on it.

Saturday 4 May 2013

SimCity Solar Power Plant

I finally completed one! It is, however, a bit confusing. While it's nice to be able to delete your in-city power stations and zone residential so that the adviser guy stops bugging you about worker shortages, the Great Work solar plant doesn't seem to be much of a solution. It only seems to power the city that you have actually loaded. Neighbouring ones have "Needs power" above them in red text, despite the fact that they are also streaming power from the plant, and are fine as soon as you load them. It's just a nuisance, more than anything. Also, the plant likes catching fire a lot.

Other stuff:

Sunday 21 April 2013

Adventures in SimCity

Accidentally inside the cliff.

Bug with high school bus causing a traffic jam.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

SimCity 2013

My apologies for the length of time since the last review. As you may know, I am chronically ill and being able to concentrate for long enough to play a videogame is a rare occurrence these days. I do, however, have the new instalment of SimCity, and have been able to sit at my partner's computer and try it.