
Saturday 16 April 2011

The Sims 3 PC

The Sims theme is evidently going to continue for a while. We bit the bullet and got hold of the third game and all of the current expansion packs.

The plumbob flash drive included with the collectors edition looks AWESOME. I love game merchandise too much for my own good. And the good of my finances.
Firstly I must say that, should this be genuine, I am very excited. I don't think I've actually been excited about a game release in years.

Sunday 10 April 2011


Rarely will you find a game as beautiful as this.

In families like mine, individuals often pick a matron and patron deity to focus on. Having long tied-in Shinto with my other beliefs, I chose Amaterasu, sun goddess. It goes without saying then, that I was delighted to get Ōkami time ago.

Thursday 7 April 2011

For anyone interested..

The aforementioned Smithsonian exhibit has extended its voting deadline to the 17th of this month :)
I'm quite sure voting originally closed on the 27th, but OK.

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Sims 2 PC version and various expansion packs

After my review of the standalone Pets title for the PS2 my partner lovingly acquired me the PC version and a bunch of expansion packs :O!
My netbook is far too small to play them on so I've been stealing his massive laptop for the last few days.
Before I get down to specifics I must say that the series is a huge timesink. Midday. Sit on the computer, get Sims doing things. Partner comes home, makes a meal. Feels like twenty minutes has gone by but I know it must have been an hour or two. Partner asks if we can go to bed soon. "But it's so early" I lament as I swing my head around. BAM. Umbrella Corporation clock says it's 4am the next day. Where does all the time go?!